Wednesday, October 07, 2015

ICYMI: One Peer Mentor's Journey To The White House

In Septermber one of our peers montor's, Celia, recieved a honor at the White House. For YBR, Celia goes out on once a week with our Wednesday night crew. As a peer mentor, she interacts with and advocates for youth experiencing houselessness within the programs involved with the Homeless Youth Continuum. She recieved a Champions of Change Award for Building Bridges Between Youth and Law Enforcement.

Watch her speak here: White House Video. Fast forward to 1:28:20 to watch the specific segment Celia is in.

Congratulations Celia, you deserved this!

Celia stops to pose with a painting found while on outreach.

Celia offers a person some supplies during outreach.

Celia while on Exploratory Outreach,.

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